Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Down on the Farm

This weekend Simon and I set ourselves a challenge to go on an adventure that didn't involve eating afternoon tea. 

Having eaten pretty badly recently I was craving a bit of a walk and some nice fresh air to fill my lungs.  Our criteria for the afternoon was to find somewhere we hadn't been to before, that was fun and wasn't going to cost too much money whilst also being within walking distance from our flat.

The perfect choice was Ouseburn Farm, a city farm hidden under the Byker Bridge a mile from Newcastle city centre.

Ouseburn Farm

Ouseburn Farm
The Farm is a community led project that offers an education centre for local children, a place for volunteers to work and adult placement courses for people with learning difficulties.  It also offers a number of interesting evening classes including "Yoga at the Farm" and "Sow to Grow", a six week course on cultivating your own vegetable patch.

Ouseburn Farm

We did a lovely 40 minute walk down to the Quayside and then into the Ouseburn Valley to find the farm.  It was funny walking through the built up area approaching the farm and hearing the sheep bleating before even finding the entrance. 

Ouseburn Farm

Ouseburn Farm

The Farm is small but perfectly formed, an ideallic outside space for a relaxing walk.  We loved strolling through the vegetable patches and admiring the scarecrow (who was very on trend with his lovely pastel blue coat) before moving through to the animal barns.

Ouseburn Farm

Having grown up in Norfolk, I absolutely love farm animals and was skipping happily from barn to barn making friends with all the furry four legged creatures I could find.  Simon was less enthusiastic and a bit nervous around the larger animals although I did catch him stroking a goat by the end of our visit so I think the farm won him over.

There have been some recent additions to the barns and we got to meet some cute lambs in the Jacob Sheep pen who were born last month as well as some chicks with amazing feathery feet. 

Ouseburn Farm

Ouseburn Farm
My favourite animals of the trip were definitely the pigs who were having a really lovely long Bank Holiday lie in and were happily cuddled up fast asleep in the hay. 

The farm is open every day throughout the year and is free to enter but donations are gratefully received.  


  1. Those lambs and fluffy legged chickens are adorable. I do love a good city farm and it looks like you've found a good one.

    1. I really wish I'd gone last month now when the animals were first born! Next year!

  2. Aw! A farm in a city.. Amazing! and a quirky looking one at that! :)
    Are you sure there wasn't a farm shop or cafe that you may of had a refreshment at?lol :p


    1. HA HA! Well ... yes there was a little café upstairs and yes we did have a little look but we didn't indulge :) I could pretend it's because we were being very good, but in reality it was near the end of the afternoon and all of the nice cakes had long gone!

  3. Farms are such a nice little trip out. Hope you managed to absorb plenty of fresh air to counteract all the afternoon teas!

    Kate x

    1. We could probably breathe in all the air in Newcastle and it still wouldn't be enough to counteract all of the afternoon tea eating :s

  4. Yey! Was so excited to see this as it was somewhere we planned to go last year when we lived on the other side of town but we never got to go. Its better than I expected actually. What a lovely change for a day out! x

    1. It's very teeny tiny but I was impressed by what was there, it's a fun little afternoon out :)

  5. wowwwwwww I love your this post! Amazing photographs. I am glad you had great fun there :)
    Have a good week ahead :)
    Liuba G

  6. Aww i love pictures of animals! This looks like so much fun. Farms rule!

  7. Yay, you found somewhere! :D Looks like a great place! Glad you got your farm animal fix ;) xo

  8. Love this day out - I think this followed by afternoon tea would be a perfect day! :)

    1. HAAAAAAAAA! Yes you're so right, next time we're out on an adventure we really must make sure we have an afternoon tea too :p

  9. Those lambs are so precious!! I live near a few farms but never pay them a visit.. maybe I should! x

  10. Ooo my old neck of the woods, I use to live about 20 mins walk away, Ouseburn is a great area for a wander around!

    1. I got lost in Ouseburn over lunchtime once, such a nightmare! It's a bit of a maze of wonders!

  11. What a lovely day out, nice to have a walk and then a treat at the end of it. The farm looks lovely and the pigs really sweet slumbering in the sun. Hope you are having a good week Lucy x

  12. Oh my this looks fantastic! I love the fluffy chickens and the little lambs! x

  13. hahaha I can't get over how funny and cute the little fluffy chicks are - adorable!

  14. I love that walk along the Quayside, have you been to the Hub at the Ouseburn - it is like a little cafe and bike shop. The food is lovely and really cheap and the people that work there are just great.

    Gems x
    Fashion, Well Done

    1. I have .. voila: :D

  15. Awww this is the cutest! loved the fluffy chicks :D I definitely need to pay this a visit :)

  16. Oh my goodness, I would love to visit there! It seems so peaceful and just so pretty. I am in love with farm animals as well and hope to someday have enough land to be able to have 2 of several kinds of animals (baby sheep and rabbits are a definite must!) :)

  17. Loved a city farm when I was living in the Big Smoke, this looks adorable. Baby animals and on trend scarecrows? Not too shabby at all.
    Did you pinch a pig....?
    M x Life Outside London


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