Saturday, 19 April 2014

Primark Haul

I hope everyone is having a great Easter Weekend, I'm having an amazing time and I honestly wish this weekend could go on forever. 

I've been back to Primark today and rather than photographing everything I've done my first ever video to show you my purchases.  Please be gentle with me, I had no idea what I was doing and did it all in one take (as you will be able to tell!) I waffle lots and, being a complete scruff, my hair is a mess!

If anyone has any tips (ie good video editing programs) so I can look more professional next time please do let me know .. or let me know if I'm a disaster on film and I'll promise not to make any more ;)



  1. Oh how exciting to see a video from you! I think you did really well, I would stutter so badly haha.
    I really like that mac. The colour of it looks lovely with your hair and skin tone.


  2. Ohhh I really wanted the gingham midi skirt but at 5 foot 1, it's wayyyy too long for me *sigh* Looking forward to how you wear it! Xx

    1. I'm looking forward to seeing how I wear it too ... because at the moment I have no idea :p


  3. Brill video! I keep trying to do one, but it;s such a scary world! You did so well! Especially in one take! :)
    That mac is lovely! The print is similar to one in Topshop I think, that I REALLY want, but am NOT paying £65 for!
    LOVE the shorts.. They'll go well with black tights too. :)

    Haha, love you tried jellies on! :) I like the ankle socks, but don't really wear anything to wear them with.. I'm too much of a jean-trouser lover. Look forward to seeing how you do style them. :)

    I REALLY REALLY need to go to Primark.. :(


    1. It is, I'm not even going to have a look at any comments on You Tube because I bet there are some very mean people out there, and I only did it for readers of my blog :)

      I'm amazed I managed it in one take, I had a near panic moment when all of the coat hangers got tangled up!

      I felt SO silly trying the jellies on, I even looked around to see if anyone was watching me! What a wuss!

      I'm really looking forward to seeing how I style the lace socks too, because I love them but at the moment am really not sure how to wear them whilst still trying to be a sensible 30 something :s

      You REALLY REALLY need to come to big Newcastle Primark :D


  4. It is so nice to see a film from you, I really enjoy reading your blog but Youtube brings you to life. Great Primark haul. I love the daisy rain mac, dress and frilly socks. Like you I have seen lots of people in these and hoping that I can pull them off. Happy Easter Lucy x

    1. Awwwwww thank you so much :) I'm just glad people are being kind about my first attempt!


  5. Love this! You could always wear tights with your little shorts, that's what I often do with mine! Love the daisy dress, I've been after that one too! Great video :)

    K xxx

    1. Yes, I may well do that, although they are such a Summery print I'll probably want to wear them on a hot Summer day. I really struggle to find good length shorts, I like them a bit above the knee but not so high up that all my wobbly bits are out for everyone to see. I'm sure once I've unpicked them they'll be good x

    2. yeah, I think unpicking is a great idea! I do shorts, tights and pumps for a spring look...but my legs are so white I hardly ever show them to the world anyways!! People need sunglasses on just to look at my legs hahaha!! xx

  6. I LOVE this!! So nice to put an actual voice to your blog :) I also love the spring floral jacket you've picked up - I'm not usually brave enough to wear light coloured jeans but I can tell it will go really well with pink. I think you've convinced me I need to go on a spring shopping spree!

    1. :D ... I need to work on my Geordie accent eh? I don't think I'll ever get myself one :(

      I'm thinking about wearing the floral jacket today, we're off to the Brownie Bar for a little while and I really fancy giving it an outing.

      I wore my pink jeans yesterday and Simon said I looked like I had no trouser on ... HA!! :D


  7. Just found your blog after the 30sbloggers hashtag on twitter last night. Well done on the vid - all in one take, amazing! I know the weather might be getting too warm for this but I think those frilly socks look great with short ankle boots & tights :)

    1. Awwwwww :) Welcome! Thank you, I honestly didn't think I'd do it in one take, I think I must have the gift of waffling!

  8. I think you did amazingly doing this all in one take. I could never manage that even before I had a gurgling baby interrupting. I just use Microsoft movie maker. It's really not the best but it's free and even a techno phone like me can figure it out. The only big issue I have with it is that it crashes if I do things too quickly. I love the dress and floral jacket. I know exactly what you mean about the socks. I love the, but just end up feeling silly in them. X

    1. Thanks :) I'll definitely look into Microsoft Movie Maker next time, I have a lot to learn! I'll definitely do it again next time though, so much easier to film a haul than photograph it and I quite enjoyed talking to myself :)

  9. Yay you made a vid! Loved it! You should def do more of these! And we need a Primark trip 'cos I never see any of this fab stuff!! xx

    1. Finding good things in Primark seems to be one of my useless life skills :D


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