Sunday, 9 March 2014

Mr Sunshine

Logging into Facebook this morning my news feed was full of photos of my friends back in Norwich and London posing in sunglasses, sitting out in the garden and eating cake in the sunshine.

Welcome to the first heat wave of 2014 folks!

Unfortunately it didn't get as far as the North East.

I really don't begrudge the South some lovely sunshine as I know the Winter weather has been particularly harsh this year.  Whilst Newcastle has enjoyed a very mild Winter with quite a bit of sunshine the news has been full of awful stories from the southern counties who've seen torrential rain and severe flooding.   However I am still a little gutted that we haven't enjoyed the beautiful temperatures that London has this weekend.

I know we've definitely reached Spring now as my obsession with checking the forecast on an hourly basis has begun.  I'm a sun chaser, I plan all weekend activities round the sunshine and if the forecast suddenly changes to sun poor Simon will suddenly find himself off for an enthusiastic stroll somewhere rather than enjoying the original plan of sitting about in a cinema eating pick and mix that he'd spent days looking forward to.

Our forecast this morning was looking sunny so I pleaded my case and was very happy that I managed to convince him to do the 40 minute walk to Saltwell Park to hunt down some spring flowers.   This was only after I promised that I wouldn't go on and on about how warm and sunny it is in London today or moan if the sun didn't appear.

Getting a little carried away my original wardrobe consisted of no socks, Summer shoes and my Spring mac before Simon pointed out that we live in the North East and maybe I should wrap up a little warmer.  I begrudgingly agreed and opting for a warmer outfit we headed out.

Simon was right! It was freezing cold, the sky was thick with clouds and the sun we were promised was absolutely nowhere to be seen.

I think I was true to my promise for about 3 minutes before I started whinging like a sulking child about the lack of sunshine.   I don't know why I choose to believe the BBC forecast like it's the gospel truth but if it says it's going to be sunny I feel very cheated when it isn't.

That said we had a lovely stroll round the park and it was great to stretch our legs and get out into the fresh air.

Spring flowers have always been my favourites and whilst the daffodils weren't in full bloom yet we saw some beautiful primroses and crocuses.

After about an hour strolling around it was getting a little too chilly so we headed back to the flat.

Can anyone guess what happened the second we got through our front door?  Yep Mr Sunshine decided to come out and play.   So me and him have had a bit of a falling out, I'm ready to forgive him only if he promises to reappear next weekend.

I know I'm going to regret asking this because I'll be jealous, but how did you enjoy the sunshine today.


  1. Yes we need some sun pleeeeeeaaase! It was lovely during the week when I was sat in the office. Gah! Here's hoping the sun comes out when we go for cake! :) xx

    1. I know .. I'm honestly SO annoyed about it! The forecast next week looks great too, I shall be scowling out of the office window at it :( I'm going down to Norwich on Friday so am just hoping the sun stays so I get to enjoy some of it too!

  2. Hull has been pretty sunny today which has surprised me but i agree, it should be shared equally! Us northeners need sun too haha love the post x

    1. Too right :D Lets hope the WHOLE of the UK has a beautiful sunny Summer :)

  3. Oh tell me about it! I've people from Bristol and Somerset on facebook and they're all sitting in beer gardens with sunglasses and t-shirts!! What on earth?! It's been dark all day here :(
    But like you say I suppose they deserve it after the harsh winter.
    I haven't been to Saltwell Park for aggges, but it's beautiful - especially when the flowers start to bloom :)


    1. One of my friends has gone to Cornwall for the weekend and her photos are amazing, it looks like Summer time on the Cornish beaches!

      I LOVE Saltwell Park, it's probably one of my most visited places since moving up to the North East. When I first started visiting Newcastle/Gateshead Simon took me there and we took a swan out on the lake and I just fell in love with it, such a beautiful park!

      Had a little look in Saltwell Towers today and noticed they do afternoon teas the last Sunday of every month .... I'M ALL OVER THAT :D

  4. I'm really hoping for sunshine this week. It says it's going to be 17 degrees on Thursday which is my husbands birthday so I have my fingers crossed. I love saltwell park but it's been a long time since I visited. I had an emergency c section so I've had to take the past few weeks really slowly but I cannot wait to get out and about. X

    1. Oh no did you?!! :(

      I am off on Friday and heading South so hoping the weather is lovely! My birthday is the week after next so could do with some lovely sunshine sticking around then as well as I have the day off!

      We're all obsessed with the bloomin weather .. so British! x

  5. Aw, beautiful flower pictures. :)
    Being in the North East too, the sun must have stopped at us, as we've had a delightful spring/summer's day! I opted for a half and half approach when dressing myself this morn, as knowing what the weather is like it's best to be safe than wet!


    1. Oi! Don't you start :p It did arrive eventually but by that point we were back home and Simon had some work to do ... I should have gone on a solo sunshine adventure really :D

  6. I'm right down south so we managed to have a lovely warm day and it was sooo refreshing. A long old walk with Adam's parents' pup and my brother-in-law definitely blew the winter cobwebs away! I'm sorry you missed out on the rays, but hopefully it'll stick around for a while and travel it's way upwards :) xo

    1. Tis OK, I'm just being a sulky baby - I'm glad you had a lovely day, it sounds perfect x

  7. I love that the weather is getting better!
    Also, lovely flower pictures =)

    1. Thank you, I had to keep crouching right down to get a good shot and on more than one occasion an over enthusiastic dog practically bowled me over!

  8. I love the beautiful colours in this post! Such vibrant purples! I love the sun too and I'm constantly checking the weather app on my phone to see what it's going to be like!
    Lots of love,
    SilverSpoon London

    1. Thanks :) What would you know, Monday morning and Mr Sunshine has appeared again!

  9. Sort of sorry that we had the most gloriously sunshiney weekend...but if it makes you feel better I'm a bit sun drunk and grossly under-dressed today. So very freezing. #FAIL
    Your flowery photos are gorgeous though.
    M x Life Outside London

    1. HA HA! We had beautiful sunshine this morning and I almost ran with it and put on a skirt and a Summer blouse but luckily stopped myself because the heating in the office was broken over the weekend so it was like a fridge .. I wouldn't have coped!

  10. I didn't want the weather to go! I'm properly in the summer mood now!

    Lovely pictures :)

    Caroline x
    Cocktails and Caroline

    1. Me too ... ours arrived today and it's making me want to book a holiday somewhere hot and sunny!

  11. The sunshine is superb hope it sticks around for a bit, help to dry up all the wet weather we have had. Like you the first sign of sunshine I am out the door great post Lucy

    1. It's gorgeous again today .. but gah it's Tuesday! We need this at the weekend! (Told you ... obsessed with the weather!)


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