Monday, 9 September 2013

Monday Smiles

This will be my last blog post for a little while as I AM GOING TO RHODES ON WEDNESDAY .... WAHOOOOOOOOOOOO!  As you can tell I am a little excited.  I haven't been on a sunshine holiday  since 2011, and my last one was 3 months into my weight loss mission.  I went to Majorca with a friend and spent the first half of the week worrying about over eating and gaining weight.  That said, I remember feeling absolutely fantastic, I'd slimmed down from a size 20 to a size 16-18 and my weight loss was really beginning to show on photos.   To be going on holiday two years later as a size 10 is out of this world.

I've tried to prepare myself for my week in the sunshine by going on a bit of a health kick.  I've done pretty well (with the exception of the fry up we had on Sunday morning) and feel slim enough to be able to have a week or pure indulgence

The holiday will see me enjoying a couple of firsts.  Tomorrow I am off to the Malmaison for a bit of pre-holiday pampering.  I have booked myself in for a manicure, pedicure and my first ever spray tan.  I am so nervous, anyone else who knows what it's like to lose a substantial amount of weight, taking your clothes off in front of a complete stranger to reveal a body that's been through the wars of weight loss is a little daunting.  I like to give myself challenges though and I do feel that things like this are important, they help me to accept myself the way that I am.  The old Chloe never would have had the confidence to have a spray tan so despite the nerves I'm proud of myself and very excited to see the result.

It will also be the first time that I have ever been on holiday with a man.  Yes it's mine and Simon's very first holiday together.  We are so excited and it really does feel like another step in our relationship.  Let's just hope we return next week still smiling eh?  :)

It may be hard to believe, but I've had a little bit of room in life this week to get excited about other things.   Costa have FINALLY added new things to their menu and it's all looking a bit Autumnal which is exciting.  Sometimes it's the simplest things in life that make you happy!  On Sunday we sampled two of the new additions, a chocolate orange window cake washed down with a chocolate orange mocha. Delicious.  Our new Sunday treat is to head to Costa and chill out on a comfy coach with some magazines and enjoy the peace and quiet.  I can see us doing it more and more as we head into the Winter.

We also had a lovely afternoon in the cinema catching the new Rachel McAdams film, About Time.   My list of girl crushes is ever growing and I've loved Rachel ever since I saw the Notebook all those years ago.  She's so beautiful and I don't think she's done a single film that I haven't loved.  Word of warning though it's a weepy.

As I'm sure you can tell from my last post I am stupidly giddy about AW13 after having a little stroll round a few shops in Newcastle on Saturday morning. I am loving all the purples, oranges and greens, and don't even get me started on the boots  With the holiday looming I am being sensible for the moment but if I come back with some money I will be making a very hasty visit to the Metro Centre on our return and  I'm already on the look out for a dress to wear in October to my Grandma's 90th birthday.  I think I need to make a promise to Simon first though that I will clear out my wardrobe before embarking on this epic shopping trip.  I've already taken up all the room that we have! 

And with that I'm off to enjoy a week of sunshine, relaxing and cocktails ..... byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :)
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