Simon and I knew we wouldn’t see much of each other this weekend as he has a busy work schedule so on Tuesday we went to the Tyneside Cinema for date night to see Much Ado About Nothing which was just beautiful. As a huge Joss Whedon fan it was lovely to see my favourite Shakespeare play filmed so beautifully involving so many recognisable faces from the geeky worlds of Buffy, Dollhouse, Angel and The Avengers.
Saturday I took advantage of being on my own and whilst Simon headed off to work for a hard day (and night!) I went to the Metro Centre for my third visit. The Metro Centre, for those that don’t know, is the largest shopping centre in the UK and houses every high street store you could possibly wish for. On previous visits I have got very lost and confused and ended up leaving early with achey legs. This time I intended to tackle it with a bit of pre-planning and after studying maps and making notes (geek!) I realised that the green and red malls were the only ones worthy of my time and had an enjoyable day working my way round them. The trip turned into a 8 hour mission although I’m pleased to report that I thoroughly enjoyed myself, it’s made my painful split with Westfield Stratford more bearable and I got a truck load of new clothes for my holiday in September. I may do a Metro haul post later in the week to show you all my finds.
Sunday I pushed myself out of my comfort zone and in an attempt to get to know some people in the North East I attended a “Vintage Social” at Serendipity in Sunderland hosted by the lovely NE Bloggers. I almost talked myself out of going several times over the weekend but was so glad that I was brave and went because it was so much fun. We were put on a table with people we didn't know which was the perfect way to break the ice - I shared my afternoon with some really wonderful bloggers - Saffron, Megan and Bree, being very new to blogging and the area it was great to pick up some little tips from them .. we ate cake, I won a lovely raffle prize and most importantly I got to meet lots of lovely ladies. I fully intend to have a little nosey at everyone’s blogs and for anyone who happens to be visiting my blog from the social a huge hello and I hope to meet more of you at the next event.
Now on to the usual Monday thing .. time for some smiles :)

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